Cost Savings of E-Commerce Fulfillment Centers
The world is changing. A rising number of consumers want goods delivered straight to their doors for the sake of convenience, health, and safety. E-commerce fulfillment centers must be prepared to meet this rising demand cost-effectively. Through customizable logistics solutions, e-commerce businesses benefit from competitive rates, efficient delivery times, and consistent quality by moving their operations to Mexico.

Minimize Costs Through the U.S. Section 321 Program, U.S. companies can ship finished goods from China or other foreign countries to Mexico before exporting to the U.S. to save on warehouse facility and labor costs and ship approved products with a retail sales value of $800 or less to the U.S. tax-free.
Expedite Logistics Setup Working with a 3PL logistics company helps to expedite operational setup. Logistics companies already have the warehouses, permits, and workforce in place to create a customized solution for inventory and shipping needs for companies transporting medium- to high-volume goods, such as electronics, furniture, and other consumer goods and luxury products.

Benefit from Shelter Services Another option for creating an e-commerce fulfillment center business model is working with a shelter services company. With legal, accounting, HR, and customs representatives already in place, as well as permits required as part of the IMMEX maquiladora program, shelter services help U.S. companies start and maintain logistics efficiently and effectively.
Adapt to Rising Demands Companies with e-commerce fulfillment centers must be ready to adapt to quickly changing government mandates and consumer needs. Shifting warehousing and supply chain needs to Mexico is beneficial on several levels. It provides closer proximity than China, while saving on costs, and benefiting from North American trade deals.
Ensure Customer Satisfaction U.S. businesses can place their confidence in our history of excellence and customer satisfaction with inventory accuracy, fill rates, and on-time delivery when working with medium- to large-size inventory. Working with a 3PL logistics or shelter services company in Mexico that’s already familiar with the process can help the transition go more smoothly.
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